June 26th - July 2nd

Stuff i read this week
I Got Fired as a Court Wizard so Now I’m Moving to the County to Become a Magic Teacher Vol. 1

PLOT SUMMARY: Wizard cop gets fired from the wizard FBI for being from a poor family, so he moves back home to become a wizard teacher at wizard school teaching the poor idiot dropout wizard kids who probably wouldn't be allowed to join the wizard FBI no matter how good they get at protecting whatever the wizard equivalent of capital is.
Now he has the time to self-reflect enough to realize that doing state-sanctioned wizard executions as a wizard cop is bad actually. He tries to reform & repent by teaching poor wizard kids not to be stupid (and poor, presumably). Luckily, his hot childhood friend who is cute (and hot) isnt bothered by him being a ex-wizard-fbi-state-sanction-wizard-murder-cop and will probably hug his very manly pain away or something, cos shes cute and hot. The book's trash.
10 / 10
A Sign of Affection Vol. 3
Ughhhhh Yuki is so impossibly cute ughhhhhhh if only Itsuomi wasn’t a dude and was actually like, a butch lady or something and this series was a yuri it would be perfect. BUT YEAH IT MAY BE A HET ROMANCE BUT ITS SO SWEET 11/10
I’ve talked before about how good the typesetting/lettering has been in this series, but this time I really noticed the sections of the story where we go for like, 3-4 pages with almost no text at all. It works so well with where Yuki is as a character, with how her relationships are growing… Like, the comfiness of not directly communicating with someone you love and sharing a moment... it’s such a good work.
Still Sick Vol. 1 - 3
I love this storrryyyy - Its another yuri i first read as a scan on Dynasty Scans ages ago and now have in print ITS STILL REAL GOOD. As always I’m a big fan of manga about writing manga, and I’m a big fan of yuri vibes and girls getting along and slowly getting real close and girls keeping secrets that gradually come out and like yeah good book.
Specifically, it does SUCH a good job of depicting the pain of not being able to do the work you love, getting stuck in a rut... and the healing power of someone elses joy i guess? its great stuff. Burnout sucks, these girls are cute, this book rules.
Young ladies don’t play fighting games Vol. 3
I just noticed the inner covers of this volume (and maybe other too?) has little punch pow! effect cutouts arranged in a typical shoujo manga falling flower petal motifs. 10/10
I Married My Best Friend to Shut My Parents Up
Yet another book in the “fake marriage with my best girl friend (thanks shibuya ward) that accidentally turns real oops” yuri sub genre. It’s a GOOD sub genre I like it a lot. The arts is real pretty and it’s a cute book. There’s an infection point half way though that always makes my heart burst a little bit. Recommend
Bonus: Audiobooks
The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent Vol. 1
I watched the anime of this ages ago, and its quite funny how different the main character comes across (at least to my memory). in the anime shes very much a sweet lady, but in the book? wow the otome roots show though i guess and there SO much internal monologue about how all the dudes around her are SO hot and yeah - i just cant relate to that at all lady. Its VERY weird reading a book that like, so specifically lady-targeted harem het like this, as its SOOOO not meant for me.. the isekai shit though? ill eat that trash up SO bad. 8/10 pretty good.
stuff in the pile for next week
Theres a new volume of the Abandoned Empress out, so im gunna CONSUME that so hard. uhhh.. more yuri as well i guess? maybe this week ill finally citrus?
Books read this year: 221
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