July 3rd - 9th

Stuff i read this week

The Girl I Saved on the Train Turned Out to be my Childhood Friend Vol. 1

“Why is it like that?” That’s something I heard two girls in my local comic shop say about “My Dress-Up Darling” They had a short discussion about it and ultimately, they decided it was gross and unnecessary sexualising women and therefore, essentially, of no real value. It wasn’t ‘wholesome’ and was therefore gross I guess. I think they are DEAD wrong and I could talk about why that book is so incredibly designed for hours, but yeah whilst they were talking about that- I was busy buying this fucking book. I thought about that conversation a lot whilst reading this. Why is “The Girl I Saved on the Tain” like THIS?

Dress-Up Darling is overtly horny at times, it knows it’s a story about two teens, and heck stuff happens- they are working through THINGS, but at its core, it’s a DEEPLY sweet and dare I say it a ‘wholesome’ romance. Sexual stuff always happens for a clear reason, there’s a real intent to the gaze and it’s really interesting. Gaze in that book isn't just perverted leering. Its always used to represent something in the story, quite often embarrassment, cos these two kids are HOPELESS. But yeah, the important thing is that gaze has a narrative & design purpose.

As of writing these notes, I’ve not finished reading this volume but like, it’s kinda the opposite. This book has WHOLESOME vibes, its dressed up to look sweet and innocent, but dang- what’s up with the gaze? Why is there like a five-page bit about how big and soft protag-kun's sister's tits are? Why are there long panels just focusing on how sexy his mum's legs look in tights? Like, what’s going on here?!? What is the gaze in this book trying to imply?!? Does the source light novel have like, pages about how hot this guy's mum is?!? I'm guessing not, as its all going to be from his perspective? Hes not sitting there thinking WOW MY MUM SURE IS HOT LOOK HOW SEXY HER LEGS ARE WTF THATS CRAAAAZY. So why is the manga LIKE this?

But yeah, it’s hot garbage and there’s a billion books like this- but usually there’s SOMETHING there to grab on to - I don’t expect every romantic manga primarily aimed at young boys to be a masterpiece but like… there’s gotta be something redeeming!! Why is “the girl j saved on the train” like this?

4/10 not recommended (i have more volumes tho lol RIP me)

A Reincarnated Witch Spells Doom Vol. 1

So, if that “Girl on the Train” book was in the “your nothing special but she loves you anyways” romantic subgenre, this is “everyone thinks your nothing special but they immediately figure out you're actually like, secretly INCREDIBLY special and support you” sub-genre. Huh, it’s very funny how that first type tends to be aimed towards boys and the second girls. Wonder what that’s all about 🤔

Anyways, this was hella pretty and quite interesting romance isekai. Will read more as it comes out that’s for sure

The Holy Grail of Eris Vol. 4

Wow, out of all the villainess manga you could read (which is a lot.. there are SO many) this one still has the worst, most disgusting horrible depiction of noble society - all these fuckers SUCK ASS so bad. I LOVE IT. Anyways, Connie is slowly building up connections and learning how to navigate this gross world, and she's getting REAL good at it slowly but surely. Lady Scarlett’s ghost still rules - she is terrible and I love her. I mean, at the end of the day who doesn't want to root for a pure heroine slowly outsmarting the most despicable people in existence with her ghost girlfriend who is WORSE? (EDITOR NOTE: The ghost isn't her girlfriend, that's just Yurivision™ at work.. but what if...)

Perfect World Vol. 6

175 pages of two people DESPERATELY telling their significant others “don’t worry I’m 200% over it and under no circumstances will I EVER get back together with my ex who I now work VERY closely with again, it’s for sure not happening” - COME ONE we’re not stupid we CAN SEE YOU BOTH ON THE COVER TOGETHER fuck off! feeling like the next volume is going to be SUCH a massive mess.

If I could reach you Vol. 1 - 4


lol that's all I've got in my notes for that, but uhh yeah this is one of my favourite yuri stories, I read scans like.. 2 years back so as always its nice to come back to it. DANG- Uta is probably the SADDEST girl ever committed to paper. Its actually cool just HOW sad this work is, somehow without collapsing into depression. Her little friend group that forms around her in these early volumes really saves it from that i think. Her brother is such an asshat of a character tho UGHH. Theres some pannels in like.. volumes 2-3 where he just like... stares at Uta with this horrible gross look on his face which feels like.... he KNOWS what her feelings for Kaoru are and he's too chicken shit to say anything about it.. ITS WILD. I just want her to be happy lol.

Bonus: Audiobooks

How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom: Vol 2

ehh its fine.

#Bonus: Digital Manga

Yonezawa-san is Done Being Human

Pretty good lol -


Edible Flowers




Peglin rules.. please play Peglin. I played a bunch whilst listening to audiobooks last week, its a fun mix of rougelite run based item build management with pachislot mechanics. GOTTA HIT PEGS.

stuff in the pile for next week

Last week i said The Abandoned Empress and Citrus... and i didn't read either of them lol... uhh maybe this time? Will Lotte EVER reread Citrus? find out next week

Books read this year: 229

Last weeks post
