September 18th - 24th
Stuff I read this week
Maiden of the Needle Vol. 1

“This is National-Treasure level sewing! I haven’t seen anything like it in ages” - this is a direct quote from the text, if the concept of national treasure level sewing doesn't immediately sell you on this, you are not a genre pervert and why are you even reading this post? 9/10 good book.
Apart from that, we have a lot of generic bullied young Nobel lady who has amazing powers but not being given the opportunity to shine until she’s rescued by a hot guy energy- which you know- is whatever these days. There’s a billion books like that, but this one does it very well and has some good ideas. Not to get all problematic-age-gap discoursey or anything but where the book ends up is a bit weird - this kids 15 she should not be getting forced into marriages with the (ex?) king - but you know, books pretty good regardless. Enjoyed my stay
Not-sew-wicked stepmom Vol. 1
The second sewing-themed book this week- ehehe see what I did there? I saw two series were due for release very close to each other with needle-based puns in the name, and decided to do both! Back to back! As a bit! But I have been played as a fool! This one has NO SEWING RELATED CONTENT! There is one case of what can charitably be described as ‘clothing adjacent drama’ but to be honest, I don’t think that counts. Incredibly disappointing. 10/10 books good
Both of these stories were actually just real good though and I fricking inhaled them. You know, sometimes a books okay but it’s just hard to read so you keep at it bit by bit over the whole day? Not these two. I ate em both so fast! You’ll have a good time with either

The NPCs in this Village Sim Game Must be Real! Vol. 3 - 4
The bit where Chat GPT suddenly temporarily gained the ability to act like an NSA spy satellite and show protag-kun LIVE VIDEO FEED of his sister SHOWERING and his parents having a PRIVATE CONVERSATION ABOUT HIM was uhhh, kinda weird. And then we just move on, like that never happened? Weeeeeeird. Thats said.... I do need to rush out and locate volume 5 now. I need to know what’s in the egg. (yeah theres an egg.. there's something in it)
Magic Artisan Dahlia Wilts No More Vol. 3
I really like how we spent 30 whole pages building an intricate prototype magical sword, only for it to be a complete failure and they are like “well back to the drawing board”.
Really captures the whole spirit of R&D. Anyways, its still focuses on friendship which is nice - the longer they keep off the romance from starting the better this book series is going to be
Everyone’s Getting Married Vol. 1
Pretty cute josei manga, bout a lady that like REALLLLY wants to do the whole marriage thing and a guy that very much does NOT want to do the whole marriage thing. They get rubbed against each other and drama happens. It’s INCREDIBLY straight, eyes have been rolled, but you know, I enjoyed my stay. I’ll probs pick up more volumes and watch this dude inevitability become a wife guy.
Wifeguyification if you will
(EDIT: since writing this is did indeed pick up volumes 3, 5 AND 6 from a local bookshop... volumes 2 and 4 are currently missing in action. BUT I WILL FIND THEM AND I WILL KILL THEM (read: purchase them and put them on a shelf))
I Want to be a Receptionist in This Magical World Vol. 2
So last volume left off with our girl getting her job at the mages' guild as a receptionist - like we love that for you girl. BUT. Only like half the chapters in this volume are about said job. Most of it seems to be about sneaking into a noble's party and like, doing all that generic common-girl-dragged-into-ladies-society kinda thing. Kinda disappointing - yet at the same time kinda comfort food.
Reborn as a Space Mercenary Vol. 4
I AM NOT ACTUALLY SURE WHEN I READ THIS ONE. Sometime in the last 3 weeks? I just never made a note of it - just finished it and was like “huh thats over i guess” and shoved it into the “read” pile, awaiting later filing away onto a shelf. Found it today as i was putting stuff away, and noticed there was no notes in notion about it. OOPS. Make of that what you will, again, for weird genre perverts only. 7/10
Anyways, I HAVE NEVER READ THE NEXT STORY ARC BEFORE. Not in audiobooks, light novels OR manga. so like, dang I am looking forward to some new material in this stupid universe. Need to get the next volume asap.
Bonus: Audiobooks
The Faraway Paladin: The Torch Port Ensemble
Pretty good you know, theres no epic story arc going on this time - just some disconnected, more grounded character pieces around town. Its a lot better for it.
stuff in the pile for next week
I wanna sift though my pile to find a good yuri. I wanna see girls HUG.
Books read this year: 312
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