October 2nd - 8th
Stuff I read this week
The Moon on a Rainy Night Vol. 1

Incredible book, delicious school yuri, and yet another entry in the fast-growing ‘romance drama but with disabilities’ genre… it ticks a looooooooooot of good book genre boxes right there!
If you like a good yuri story with a character struggling with obvious yet currently unaddressed queer feelings, this has you covered. I read scans a while back and I think this translation is really good in this print version - It’s a story that’s real good at hooking you in to its world. I wish more volumes were out NOW. I WANNA READ MORE
Print-wise, it’s beautiful. it’s published by Kodansha, so it’s one of thoes larger form factor manga prints - which works real well as the manga has a really detailed artstyle - were talking lots of linework, so the larger size just makes everything resolve really well. Anyways, good book.
An Incurable Case of Love Vol. 1
A pretty good hospital-based romance story forming here - obviously not as good as Pulse (which is a yuri and therefore infinitely better), but still pretty dang good!
The characters are pretty interesting, even the asshole male romantic lead. Protag-chan herself is particularly good, she’s a newbie nurse straight of of university and the depictions of her struggling to learn how to do the job for real are pretty dang good - it’s the kind of work that feels like there must have been a bunch of research interviews done before the storyboard were drawn you know? Will deffo pick up more sometime

The Do-Over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor Vol. 1
Some weeeeeeeird stuff going on here. It’s an okay book, but hmmm. Like, why do you require your fiance to be under 14 my dude? This time slip story has a cannon, evil pedo incestuous prince on the other side of this conflict, they need to stop beating around the bush on this point and make it clear that this is NOT weird VERY quickly in the next volume, like heeeeeeck
I’ll Never Be Your Crown Princess! Vol. 1
Weird, lots of fucking about and finding out
Citrus + Vol. 2
Citrus+ is just way better (so far) than Citrus. Maybe it’s because the characters are already deep and fully formed or whatever, maybe the previous 10 volumes have just set up the world so well that stories can play out better now- or maybe it’s BECAUSE THERES SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING STUFF YOU CAN DO AFTER TWO DANG CHARACTERS START TO DATE DANG IT.
Perfect World Vol. 8
Finally, they did the thing! It’s incredibly good to see such a messy adult relationship unfold over SO many volumes, and for it to actually be good and real? And for all that to be true and for these two nerds to STILL put work over being together in any meaningful capacity is SO in character, I love it. The writing is so spot-on
The Holy Grail of Eris Vol. 5
This dang murder mystery keeps getting more and more complicated as the volumes go on- now we somehow have an empire-spanning royal succession war factoring into Scarlett’s death… somehow. It’s great stuff tbh!
One of the best things about this book is that heck, the author KNOWS it’s complicated. Throughout the book before new chapters, there’s always a “story so far” page just to fill you in on the recent plot threads - it really helps jog your memory. With the amount of time between volumes coming out it would be completely impenetrable without that, I wish more books did that as a rule
Bonus: Audiobooks
Full Metal Panic! Vol. 1
woooooow this book is incredibly good. Ive always like the anime, but yeah the source novel is incredible. 1000% recommended. Real good production too
The Sait's Magic Power is Omnipotent Vol. 3
pretty okay - the story going in interesting directions. Less "wow he's so hot" internal monologues this time around, but its still way to straight.
stuff in the pile for next week
I wanna read YURI. I wanna read ISEKAI. I shall see whats in the pile maybe
Books read this year: 328
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