November 6th - 23rd
Stuff I read this week
Assorted Entanglements Vol. 1 - 3

Super cute Yuri manga! I really like the structure, which is half an episodic continuous storyline, with kinda standalone pages that are disconnected from the main story but have some small (and usually very funny) slice-of-life thing - its just plain good and is a real inventive way of deepening the relationship between our two ‘leading’ ladies, it creates a great sense of time
I say ‘leading’ because after the first bunch of chapters (and specially from the second volume onwards) things really open up. This isnt a story about two gals, its an ensemble cast of multiple different couples whose lives all interact and cross over - they all face different issues that tend to be mirrored and reflected in different ways. Its cool how rich each relationship and set of characters end up feeling. This - is a good book
Yubisaki Milk Tea Vol. 1
This series had a biiiiiig impact on me when I first read it back in 2006, was kinda wild to see such a brazen work about crossdressing and messed up gender feelings and relationships at the time. Re-reading it now in 2023, heck the relationships in this are REALLY messed up, and the book manages to capture specific feelings of despair and self disgust in a way that’s just kinda rare- it’s a good, messy work. Glad my copy is still safe and I can read it again after what… 17 years?

365 Days to the Wedding Vol. 1

Ohhh yeah I picked this one up on a total whim, and HECK what an incredible book for fans of total idiots. I, Lotte May, world famous idiot, am a BIIIIG fan of idiots. ITS SO GOOD! We have the two biggest idiots, totally antisocial dweebs, incredible introverts working in the planning department of a travel agency - but disaster strikes our stupids hero’s company, they are going to open a new branch in Russia and someone from the Tokyo branch will be sent to set it up. Who knows how many years you might get stuck in Siberia! It’s cold there! There’s only one way for these two to protect their precious, single loner Tokyo lifestyles, and that’s pretending to get married. No big deal right? It can’t be that hard to fool your coworkers, it’s not like they are going to make a big deal of it… right? Right? Ahhh.
In/spector Vol. 2 - 3
This volume is mostly about setting up the first real yokai mystery for our duo to solve and introducing and explaining Kuro’s inhuman yokai powers… and thats cool, but dang by FAR the best part is just how much of a little gremlin Kotoko is. DANG shes such a little bitch I LOVE HER
Citrus+ Vol. 3
It’s nice to see Mei open up even more, and was fun to see some of the supporting characters have their own chapters. I’m still not really sure what Citrus+ is about yet, if anything. The original Citrus was deffo about something right? Yuzu and Mei, against all odds coming together and all that… + dosnt really seem to have any larger structure - which is fine! It’s nice to see these characters exist it a world, but also a bit weird you know?
My Stepmother & stepsisters Aren’t Wicked Vol. 2
Still got exactly one joke, over and over. STLL REALLY GOOD. Just space reading volumes out a bit more than I did so it didn’t get old fast.
My Dress-Up Darling Vol. 10
Marin lending Wakana a porn game hoodie because “that’s the only male clothing she has” is a really good bit. 10/10
Hi, I’m a witch and My Crush Wants Me to Make a Love Potion Vol. 3
I still think the mechanics around how magic system works in this are real cool and interesting- it comes up again in the plot in this volume. The idea that magic itself is a preposterous lie, so witches can’t ever tell lies in exchange for gaining the greater lie that is magic itself is REAL good, and using that as a basis for romantic tensions is really fun. It’s just such a well executed idea and story.
Hunting in another World with my Elf Wife Vol. 4
It’s all unfolding exactly as you’d expect plot-wise, no surprises or anything - but it well drawn and ‘fun’ in that genre pervert kinda way.
Pulse vol. 5
This is screwed up but I was reincarnated as a girl in another World Vol. 9
It’s kinda interesting how much Ren’s circumstances changes from volume to volume - it dosnt really feel like there’s a plan here, if there was she would have stayed with the hot girls from a few volumes ago. This new/old friend group feels like it could be permanent, but knowing this book within two volumes they will all be long gone. But yeah, I like it a lot but dang it’s so made up as it goes along! Needs a little more direction
A sign of affection Vol. 7
Ughhhh it’s so goooooood. Itsumi IS going to be the worlds biggest wife guy by the end of this - Oushi’s rejected man pain is also really well drawn (and he fucking deserves it lol what a wet blanket of a guy). Mostly I’m just so glad to see Yuki happy she’s so precious I love her
The dark history of the reincarnated villainess Vol. 8
Things are diverting more and more from Konoha’s original dark histories, and her relationships with her characters, especially sol, predictably he’s now completed his 180 and is devoted to her - wonder how long till she fully realises it!
If my favourite pop idol made out to the Budokan I would die Vol. 4
I know I’ve said this before but the way Marina’s internal monologue mirrors that of the fans for other idols is just SO GOOD. - every time she has a lil mental breakdown over how cute she thinks her one true fan eripiyo is I could just DIE it’s so good
Fun fact: the back matter in the book claims the first printing of the English edition was in December 2023 - it’s a time traveller (editing note: i read this back in November)
I may Be a Guild Receptionist but I’ll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time Vol. 1
Fairly typical story in the non-isekai “receptionist at the adventurer guild is secretly super powerful actually” fantasy subgenre. It’s competent? Like, we’re not winning any awards here for anything but I enjoyed my stay. I liked the conceit that she didn’t want anyone to know she’s severely a strong adventurer because receptionists aren't allowed side jobs and she doesn't want to lose the cushy government paycheck. It’s simple but works well. You can turn your brain off for this one
Bonus: Audiobooks
Reincarnated As the Last of My Kind Vol 5
Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest Vol. 1
My Quiet Blacksmith Life in Another World Vol 3
Min-Maxing My TRPG Build in Another World Vol. 2
I'm in Love With the Villainess Vol. 1
Reborn as a Space Mercenary Vol. 4
I Listened to a LOOT of audiobooks whilst packing and moving - And they are all pretty good tbh, i enjoyed my stay. Its neat that Reincarnated as the last of my kind is starting to wrap up, and the audiobook of In Love With The Villainess was SUPER good, would for sure recommend that. The rest are trashy but like, with a heart - and you already know if your going to like em based 100% on the titles come on.
stuff in the pile for next week
So yeah.. these were posted REAL late, and then I then went on to NOT read anything between November 24th and December 1st, cos I was so dang busy with moving.. which was SAD and heck I missed it! BUT I already hit that 365 book goal, so I guess that means I completed my 'read one manga book a day' new years resolution. I've never actually followed though with one of them ever before, so that's neat!
Books read this year: 377
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