Destroy It All And Love Me In Hell - Theres toxic yuri, and then theres whatever the fuck this is

Its one of thoes 'two girls slowly open up to each other about their home lives and find solace in shared trauma, and slowly draw closer tougher" kinda highschool yuri but uhhhh.... so toxic its radioactive - deffo check out the content warnings on the first page of chapter 1, but like heck good book im sure these kids will end up totally fine and well adjusted and nothing bad will happen whatsoever

Kurumi Yoshizawa, the student council president, has excellent grades and an inviting, friendly personality… on the surface at least. In reality, her days are spent struggling against her domineering mother and agonizing over her teachers’ expectations.

One day, Kurumi reluctantly goes to meet Naoi, her truant classmate, at her homeroom teacher’s request to look after her. The situation sours quickly as Naoi sees through Kurumi’s facade and makes her animosity clear. On the verge of a meltdown, Kurumi is barely able to stop herself from shoplifting, unaware that she’s being recorded by Naoi…

This is a violent story about two young girls struggling every day with no escape.